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Up to 2025-03-06 17:10:55 Beijing Time * There is a delay of more than 15 minutes in the quotation。Source of information:Tencent Finance

Corporate Governance
  • Strategy Committee

    The Strategy Committee consists of three Directors, namely Mr. Fei, Mr. Wang ChuanBao and Dr. Xiao Fei. Mr. Fei has been appointed as the chairman of the Strategy Committee. The primary duties of the Strategy Committee are to study and advise on the long-term strategy and major investments of our Group.

  • Audit Committee

    Our Company established an Audit Committee with written terms of reference in compliance with Rule 3.21 of the Listing Rules and the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules (the ‘‘CG Code’’). The Audit Committee consists of three members, namely Dr. Xiao Fei, Mr. Chen Yi and Dr. Wu Ying, our independent non-executive Directors. Mr. Chen Yi has been appointed as the chairman of the Audit Committee, and is our independent non-executive Director possessing the appropriate professional qualifications. The primary duties of the Audit Committee are to review and supervise the financial reporting process and internal control system of our Group, oversee the audit process, review and oversee the existing and potential risks of our Group and perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by our Board.

  • Remuneration Committee

    Our Company established a Remuneration Committee with written terms of reference in compliance with Rule 3.25 of the Listing Rules and the CG Code. The Remuneration Committee consists of two independent non-executive Directors, being Dr. Wu Ying and Dr. Xiao Fei, and one executive Director, being Mr. Chen Junhua. Dr. Wu Ying, our independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as the chairman of the Remuneration Committee. The primary duties of the Remuneration Committee are to establish and review the policy and structure of the remuneration for our Directors and senior management and make recommendations on employee benefit arrangement.

  • Nominating Committee

    Our Company established a Nomination Committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the CG Code. The Nomination Committee consists of two independent non-executive Directors, being Dr. Xiao Fei and Mr. Chen Yi, and one executive Director,being Mr. Xia Guoping. Dr. Xiao Fei, our independent non-executive Director, has been appointed as the chairman of the Nomination Committee. The primary duties of the Nomination Committee are to make recommendations to our Board on the appointment and removal of Directors of our Company.

  • Risk Management Committee

    Our Company has established a Risk Management Committee. The functions of our Risk Management Committee are to monitor our exposure to sanctions risks and our implementation of the related internal control procedures. For details, see ‘‘Business — Business Activities in Countries Subject to International Sanctions’’. The Risk Management Committee comprises three executive Directors, namely Mr. Fei, Mr. Chen Yi and Mr.Zheng Yuhong. Mr. Fei is the chairman of our Risk Management Committee.

  • ESG Committee

    Our Company has established a ESG Committee with written terms of reference. The functions of our ESG Committee are to assist the Board in guiding and supervising the development and implementation of environmental, social and governance works of the Group to ensure compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The ESG Committee comprises three executive Directors, namely Mr. Fei, Mr. Zheng Yuhong and Mr. Xia Guoping. Mr. Fei is the chairman of our ESG Committee.